Intellectual Production of Engineers References Chapter 6.
P179 James Webb Young, translated by Shigeo Imai with commentary by Hitoshi Takeuchi, How to Create Ideas, CCC Media House, 1988. P179 Otto Scharmer, translated by Ryo Nakadoi and Mikako Yusa, "U-theory - The art of creating truly necessary 'change' without being bound by the past or prejudice," Eiji Press, 2010. P180 Original title: James Webb Young, "A Technique for Producing Ideas," McGraw-Hill Education, 2003.
P187 Eric Ries, translated by Koji Iguchi with commentary by Joichi Ito, "Lean Startup - Creating Innovation through a No-Waste Entrepreneurial Process," Nikkei Business Publications, Inc. P189 Jiro Kawakita, "[What is creativity?
P190 Richard Phillips Feynman, translated by Masako Onuki / Hiroshi Esawa, Mr. Feynman's Best Essays, Iwanami Shoten, 2001
P193 Katharina Kalogerakis, Christian Lüthje and Cornelius Herstatt. (2010). "Developing innovations based on analogies: experience from design and engineering consultants". Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(3), 418-436.
P199 Plato, translated by Reio Fujisawa, [Menon.
P200 Michael Polanyi, translated by Isao Takahashi, Dimensions of tacit knowledge, Chikuma Shobo, 2003. P201 Martin Fowler, translated by Kiminobu Kodama, Akio Tomono, Akira Hirasawa, and Masashi Umezawa, New Edition refactoring ─ Safely Improving Existing Code, Ohmsha, 2014. ---
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